Sunday, January 26, 2020
Sensation Seeking And N100 Psychology Essay
Sensation Seeking And N100 Psychology Essay This research seeks to examine the relationship between event-related potentials, specifically the N100 component, and the personality construct of sensation seeking. Nine students enrolled in a university level introductory psychology course received credit for participating in this study. With the use of an electroencephalogram, voltage information in the brain was recorded while the participant listened to auditory stimuli including a target, standard, and random tone. After separating participants based on high and low sensation seeking scores and comparing that with an event-related potential developed from the EEG information it was shown that those high in sensation seeking had higher amplitude and a longer latency at N100 than low sensation seekers. This shows that one of the components of sensation seeking, boredom susceptibility, may have had an effect due to the repetitive presentation of stimuli which resulted in lower amplitude at the N100. Sensation seeking and N100 This study seeks to examine the relationship between levels of sensation seeking and event-related potentials (ERP), specifically the N100 component. Using ERPs to compare with personality constructs is effective because the stimulus can be time-locked to the brain activity that is being recorded and analyzed to see how the person is reacting whether on a conscious or unconscious level. Sensation seeking, as described by Marvin Zuckerman (2007), is a trait defined by the seeking of varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences, and the willingness to take physical, social, legal, and financial risks for the sake of such experience. Sensation seekers are attracted to high risk sports such as sky diving and mountain climbing, they experiment with a variety of drugs, and are sexually promiscuous in that they have a varied range of sexual partners. High sensation seekers will assess situations as low risk vs. low that will see a higher risk; even still highs will anticipate more positive arousal whereas lows anticipate fear and anxiety. Sensation seeking correlates with dominance and adventurousness, but not with neuroticism or anxiety. High sensation seekers tend to be associated with non-conformist groups and are attracted to abstract stimuli. There are four dimensions of sensation seeking that are used in Zuckermans sensation seeking scale that help determine if a person is a high or low sensation seeker. The first component is thrill and adventure seeking (TAS). If someone is high in TAS they will exert a need to be involved in activities that give them unusual sensations and experiences such as moderately risky sports. This is where activities like mountain climbing and sky diving come into play. The second aspect is experience seeking (ES) which describes the attraction to non-conformist groups. A person scoring high in experience seeking will seek out sensations and new experiences through the mind and the senses and through a nonconforming lifestyle. Activities include things like enjoying abstract art and traveling to new and different places. Disinhibition (DIS) reflects the involvement in wild parties, susceptibility to drugs, and promiscuity. Disinhibition alone can be normal, but when paired with aggression it can be a sign of psychopathy. The last subscale is boredom susceptibility (BS) defines the aversion sensation seekers have to monotonous tasks and people they find to be boring. For example, Zuckermans stimulus deprivation task found that high sensations seekers, when in a room for any length of time with no visual or auditory stimuli got restless and bored (Zuckerman, 2007). Zuckermans theory for the biological basis of sensation seeking started with his monoamine oxidase (MAO) theory. He hypothesized that high sensation seekers have low MAO compared with low sensation seekers having high levels of MAO. Monoamine oxidase is a neurotransmitter regulator. MAO regulates the level of monoamines which include norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. High levels of MAO result in reduced sensitivity to a stimulus and conversely low levels increase sensitivity. This is because if there are high levels of MAO there are lower levels of monoamines and vice versa. In summary, high sensation seekers have low levels of MAO which result in an increase of sensitivity to stimulus. The negative correlation between MAO levels and sensation seeking is also indicative of a relationship between sensation seeking and the levels of catecholamine. High levels of MAO are found in the limbic system. The limbic system is involved in pleasure and sensitivity to reward. Zuckerman wor ked under the assumption that this sensitivity in high sensation seekers produces alertness and interest in novel stimuli associated with strong orienting responses. He then merged his theory of MAO with another theory that connects the limbic system activity with levels of catecholamine and sensation seeking. It explains that dopamine controls the readiness to explore and approach novel stimuli in the environment and norepinephrine regulates the sensitivity to, or expectation of positive reinforcement (i.e.) norepinephrine and dopamine together are two components of the reward system. The nucleus accumbens (NA) is part of the limbic (reward) system and hypothesized to be the major center for sensation seeking. This may be because there are higher levels of dopamine found in the NA. Therefore, this theory relates the attributes of sensations seeking to low levels of MAO, resulting in high levels of catecholamine (dopamine and norepinephrine) in the limbic system (reward center), whi ch ultimately increases readiness to explore and approach novel stimuli in the environment and sensitivity to stimulus and positive reinforcement (Zuckerman, 1983). An event-related potential (ERP) is a wave form developed by averaging epochs from data collected using an electroencephalogram (EEG) that is a time-locked representation of the voltage activity in the brain reacting to the stimulus presented (Rugg Coles, 1995). ERPs allow analysis of stimulus on a neurological level. Like this study, it can be used with personality constructs or psychological disorders to study their effects on the reaction to stimulus in the environment. The amplitude of different components in the waveform are indicative of the strength of the reaction and the latency represents the time it takes for the reaction to occur. The EEG itself is useful, but almost impossible to use its data because its such a general collection of information. ERPs act as a funnel for important information that fine tunes the data collected with the EEG that result in data that can pin point neurological reaction whether conscious or unconscious. This is another reason ERPs are useful , they allow researchers to collect data that the participant may not even be aware of (Rugg Coles, 1995). N100 (N1) is a negative spike at approximately 100 ms after a stimulus has been presented. N1 amplitude seems to be associated with detection of a stimulus. The onset and offset of a stimulus will elicit a N1 where as the repetition of a stimulus will show a reduction in N1 amplitude. N1 does not explain any content information about the stimulus presented, it will only express when a stimulus is in the environment. Within the confines of this study using the oddball paradigm with auditory stimuli, the N1 could have been increased in amplitude by creating a larger time gap between the presentations of stimulus. Since the N1 is elicited at the onset of stimulus, by increasing the time between auditory tones the recognition of a new stimulus is larger. Another way to manipulate the amplitude of the N1 is to repeat the stimulus in random time intervals for silence length (Atienza et al., 2001). N1 amplitude can also be increased by increasing the intensity or frequency of the continuous stimuli (Naatanen, 1990). Sensation seekers have a stronger curiosity or willingness to investigate novel stimuli which means they will have stronger orienting response (OR). Orienting response occurs when presented with a moderately intense or novel stimulus. Although this study is focusing on standard stimuli it can still be considered novel. Novel, in this regard, does not mean the complexity of the stimuli; it means novel to the participants environment. Sensation seeking has been positively correlated with orienting response to a novel stimulus. According to Naatanen (1990), N1 has high amplitude at the onset and offset of stimulus. It seems to represent the participants initial response to the onset of auditory stimulus which can also described as an orienting response. Research conducted by Atienza et al. (2001), found that components of the N1 were involved in the initiation of an orienting response. Operating on the assumption that N1 is indicative of an orienting response and that high sensation see kers have stronger OR it is hypothesized that those high in sensation seeking will have a shorter latency and higher amplitude at N1 than low sensation seekers. Method Participants Nine undergraduate university students were given course credit to be involved in the study. The male and female participants were recruited from introductory psychology courses. They were required to complete five personality questionnaires. The Eysenck personality questionnaire-revised, agency and affiliation questionnaire, BISBAS, ten item personality inventory, and the sensation seeking scale were used to assess the participants personality traits. From the total sensation seeking score participants were split into two categories: scoring high on sensation seeking (4) and low on sensation seeking (5). Materials The sensation seeking scale is based upon the four subscales of the personality construct: thrill and adventure seeking, experience seeking, disinhibition, and boredom susceptibility. The scores for these four subscales are added together to give the total sensation seeking score. An electroencephalogram (EEG) was used to record voltage activity in the brain while presenting the participant with auditory stimuli. It is hooked up to an amplifier that projects a variation in voltage over time. The electrodes were placed according to the 10/20 system. This system describes that electrodes are arranged based on their distance from the two main axis: anterior-posterior and the coronal (Rugg Coles, 1995). The electrodes Fz, Cz, Pz, linked mastoids, Fcz (ground), EOG, and Fp2 were used. The linked mastoids were used for references and the EOG and Fp2 were used together to get a bipolar recording. The auditory tones including: a standard high frequency tone, target low frequency tone, and a random sound were presented using an oddball paradigm. The participant was also equipped with headphones and a remote button. Procedure The participant was required to sit in an isolated room with headphones on and listen to a sequence of auditory tones including target stimuli, standard stimuli, and a rare sound. During the presentation of the auditory stimuli the participant was asked to respond to the target tone by pressing the remote button and to essentially ignore the other sounds. The EEG picks up frequencies that are not considered usable data for this study. With the computer program Neuroscan blinks and muscle reactions were removed from the data collected. The EEG is then separated into segments or epochs to represent each time the auditory tone was presented. The base line is manipulated so all recordings were at approximately 0 amplitude. The last step was to average all of the waveforms to produce a graph representing the event-related potential at each electrode. Results On average, low sensation seekers had higher amplitude at N100 and shorter latency than high sensation seekers. Those scoring high on sensation seeking had a longer latency and lower amplitude than low sensation seekers. Table 1: Average amplitude and latency at each electrode for high and low sensation seekers ERP.png Fig. 1: Event-related potential for high and low sensation seekers in reaction to standard stimuli at the Cz electrode Discussion It was thought that those who score high on sensation seeking would have higher amplitude and a shorter latency at the N100. The results contradicted what was hypothesized in that high sensation seekers actually had lower amplitude and a longer latency at N100. From the results, it is speculated that the repetition of stimuli played on one of the components of sensation seeking: boredom susceptibility. To recap, the N100 is indicative of the onset of stimuli in the environment and has no content information. In the perspective of the N100 component and neglecting the differences in the auditory tones presented, the high sensation seeker was presented with stimuli repetitively for an extended period of time. Zuckerman (2007) stated that people high in sensation seeking dislike monotonous tasks which would explain why they would have lower amplitude at N100 than low sensation seekers. When looking at the N100 alone, Nataanen (1990) explained that with repetition of a stimulus there is a decline in N1 amplitude. The presentation of auditory tones to participants was repetitive and would have resulted in lower N100 amplitude for both high and low sensation seekers. It was also shown, in research conducted by Budd et al.(1998), that stimulus presented too closely together will result in a smaller N1 because there is not enough time for neuronal recovery. There also may be a chance, because of the lack of statistical analysis, that there is actually no significant difference between the amplitude at the N1 for high and low sensation seekers. From the research done by Carol et al. (1982) on the correlation between sensation seeking and drug selection based on the optimal level of arousal theory, it can also be speculated that there would be no significant difference between high and lows at the N100. The optimal level of arousal theory would postulate that high sensation seekers, because their optimal level of arousal is higher than low sensation seekers, would choose stimulants over depressive drugs to heighten their level of arousal. It would also be expected that low sensation seekers would be more attracted to depressants because of its dampening effect on arousal levels. Their results showed that high and low sensation seekers both enjoyed the stimulants more. Looking at these results it may be concluded that it is more realistic that there is no significant difference between high and low sensation seekers at N1 (Carol et al., 1982). The sample size was quite small with a total of 9 participants. With a larger sample the results would be more applicable to the general population. The study used male and female participants, but there was no analysis of whether females or males scored higher on sensation seeking or what that meant in terms of the results. This made it so the results and the scores could not be compared on the basis of gender. The age range of participants was limited to 17-19. Also, all of the participants were from introductory psychology courses from the same university. In future research it would be interesting, using ERP, to compare gender and the scores on the sensation seeking scale and how that would affect the results. From previous research it was thought that levels of testosterone correlated to levels of sensation seeking. That higher testosterone, more prevalently in males, had a positive relationship with high levels of sensation seeking (Zuckerman, 2007). In reference to the results in this study and its possible origin from boredom susceptibility, new research could look at the different components of sensation seeking instead of the total score and how that would affect ERP studies. In the research from Zuckermans publications, it was found that the demographic factors that most affected levels of sensation seeking were gender and age, which supports the idea of future research being done with those two aspects (Zuckerman, 2007).
Saturday, January 18, 2020
My Interview to My Very First Patient as a Nursing Student
My reflection for 1st PCP visit Recently, I have completed the very first visit for the Patient Care (Feel Link) Project (PCP). The story of Mr Yung, the patient whom I visited, does reveal a less familiar side of the lives of chronic health patients. Giving is receiving. The visit not only provides me with a precious opportunity to care for the people in need, but it is also very enlightening and deepens my understanding about the profession. I am assigned to work with a MBBS year 1 student for the whole project. We visited Mr. Yung at Ruttonjee Hospital on 23rd February, 2011.He is a patient who suffers from chronic asthma, GI impairment and allergic rhinitis. He has also undergone several major operations and these operations bring him numerous long-term defects, ranging from failing to have normal solid food intake to receiving long-term drug treatments. Not difficult is it to imagine he leads an inconvenient life because of his chronic illness. I do feel greatly compassionated a nd empathetic towards his pain. This visit is a precious experience that I can have never come across during lectures, so I cherish this visit much. Throughout the whole visit, Mr.Yung emphasized that he was extremely impoverished and begged us to help him seek help from social workers to ease his financial difficulties. I believe he does not receive sufficient help form the health care professionals, and so he has no choice but to ask us to refer his financial need to the social workers. He told us he was extremely depressed because his senior allowance was not enough to support his vast medical expenses. It is expectable that Mr. Yung could have received more effective treatments and medications with a considerable financial ability. Melancholy and depression achieve nothing but only contribute to deteriorating Mr.Yungââ¬â¢s chronic illness. Social workers shall spare no endeavors to take care of chronic patients like Mr. Yung as they ââ¬Ëassist people to adjust to the chang es brought by the illnessââ¬â¢ (Daly, Speedy & Jackson, 2006, p. 188). It is believed that social workers are of paramount importance to promote social well-being of the patients. As a result, rehabilitation of patients can be facilitated and boosted. The shortage of social workers may be the core problem behind Mr. Yungââ¬â¢s story, and this requires government long-term strategic planning to solve it ultimately.It is expected that an increased number of social workers can provide a more holistic counseling for patients, so their needs are better looked after and catered. Mr. Yung also once expressed his reluctance of transferring to Tung Wah East Hospital because he was deeply disappointed with the terrible service quality of the doctors there. On the one hand, it is understandable that the frontline health care professionals are facing much pressure because of heavy workload and exceedingly long working hours. On the other hand, it is inappropriate and undesirable for them to displace their negative emotions on their patients.It succeeds in nothing but only threatens patientsââ¬â¢ trust and obedience to health care professionals. An article suggests ameliorating the quality of health care by adopting the healthy psychology approach, which encourages ââ¬Ëdoctor-patient communication and patient cooperation with treatmentââ¬â¢ (Friedman, 2002, p. 72). It is foreseeable that adopting the healthy psychology approach can cultivate the relationship between the health care professionals and patients, so they would be able to develop a better understanding of each other. Eventually, Mr.Yungââ¬â¢s story and the stories of many other suffering patients would cease to exist. I treasure this invaluable patient-visiting opportunity a lot because I know little about hospital setting and patientsââ¬â¢ need. This visit does guide me understand the psychological need of patients. As discussed by Friedman (2002), health care should never be limited to me dical aspect, but widened to psychological and social aspects because these three aspects are closely related. The Biopsychosocial Health Psychology Model of Health takes more comprehensive and all-rounded care of patients.In the case of my first visit, better services shall be provided by doctors and social workers under this model. In short, unconditional positive regard is the best means to bring patients love and warmth and it also enhances patientsââ¬â¢ rehabilitation and restoration from illness. Health care professionals shall put much heeds on psychosocial aspect, instead of medical only, when delivering their cares to patients. This first visit also gives me a chance to learn collaborating and cooperating with others in work.I am deeply pleased to work with my MBBS partner. Interdisciplinary cooperation between us is trained, sharpened and polished through the visit. I was able to have effective division of labour with my partner, and so productivity and efficiency can b e enhanced. The visit allows me to apply the cooperation skills that I have acquired in lectures. Therefore, I now have a better understanding for my future role as a nurse. Indeed, nurses and doctors are very significant members in the multidisciplinary health care teams.This visit gives me a rough idea that multidisciplinary parties achieve much more than single teams in terms of health care. My partner takes the initiative to provide comprehensive medical knowledge and contribute a lot to the quality of the visit. I come to realize how important collaboration and multidisciplinary are after the visit. All in all, I enjoy every moment of the first PCP visit. It widens my horizons and presents me a more complete picture of my future career role as a nurse. This visit redefines my conception of health care provision.After the visit, I come to understand, apart from medical services, psychological and social elements are crucial integral parts of an all-rounded heath care system. Als o, I find the visit extremely inspirational as I become more aware of collaborating with counterparts when administering health care to patients. Well cooperation can bring better health care services and satisfaction to patients. With concerted effort, it is expected that an inclusive health care provision system would be maturely developed in the foreseeable future.Word count: 998 words References Friedman, H. S. (2002). The Social and Cultural Basis of Health and Illness. In H. S. Friedman (Ed. ), Health Psychology (2nd Ed). (pp. 50-74). NJ: Prentice Hall. Friedman, H. S. (2002). Adaptation to Chronic Illness. In H. S. Friedman (Ed. ), Health Psychology (2nd Ed). (pp. 183-213). NJ: Prentice Hall. Griffiths, R. , & Crookers, P. (2006) Multidusciplinary teams. In J. Daly, S. Speedy & D. Jackson (Eds. ), Contexts of nursing an introduction (2nd Ed). (pp. 184-198). Australia: Elsevier
Thursday, January 9, 2020
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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Eating Disorders And Anorexia Nervosa - 782 Words
Binge Eating Disorder is a recent addition to the DSM-5. This disorder is characterized by regular episodes of binge eating. An individual experiencing this disorder will usually not Binge use compensatory behaviors, such as self-induced vomiting or over-exercising after they binge eat. Many people with Binge Eating Disorder are overweight or obese. (Butcher, Hooley, J. M., Mineka, 2013). Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is a mental illness that is characterized by an unrealistic fear of weight gain, self-starvation, and conspicuous distortion of body image. The individual with the disorder becomes obsessed with becoming increasingly thinner and will limits food intake to the point where their health is compromised (Butcher, Hooley, J. M., Mineka, 2013). Similarities The eating disorders Binge Eating Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa appear to be very different from each other, however there at least two similarities between the two disorder. One similarity between the two disorders is that the individuals suffering from the disorder usually feel as though they have very little control over their life. (American Psychiatric Association 2013). Another similarity between the two disorders is that for both disorder women are more likely to be diagnose with Binge Eating Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa. (American Psychiatric Association 2013). Differences Difference between the two eating disorders include but are not limited to age, food intake, suicideShow MoreRelatedEating Disorder : Anorexia Nervosa1622 Words à |à 7 Pages Bulimia Nervosa To be diagnosed with eating disorder, someone must meet certain criteria. The criterion for diagnosis slightly varies depending on if you are referring to people who (A) fear gaining weight, and have significant weight loss,(B) eating a huge amount of food , then use laxative to remove the binged food, (C) the use of excessive exercise and fasting in order to remove or to reduce the amount of calories consumed, and (D) distorted body image, no matter how thin they become, theyRead MoreEating Disorder : Anorexia Nervosa1658 Words à |à 7 Pagesbeen affected by this disorder. The specific disorder that is being referred to in this paper, an eating disorder, is Anorexia Nervosa, the restricting type. An eating disorder ââ¬Å"involve[s] disordered eating behaviors and maladaptive ways of controlling body weightâ⬠(Nevid, Rathus, Greene, 2014, p. 335). Another well-known eating disorder is Bulimia Nervosa which is characterized by binging and purging (Nevid, Rathus, Greene, 2014, p. 338). Bulimia is different than anorexia since victims of bulimiaRead MoreEating Disorders And Anorexia Nervosa Essay1948 Words à |à 8 Pagesnotion of an ââ¬Å"idealâ⬠body and eating disorders, there is no consensus as to the root cause of eating disorders. The general belief is that eating disorders result from one or more biological, behavioral, and social factors including genetics, unpleasant experiences/trauma, peer pressure, teasing, and family members with eating disorders, among others. There are numerous types of eating disorders. Both women and men are affected by eating disorders each day. Eating disorders can occur from an early ageRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa1493 Words à |à 6 PagesIllness Paper ââ¬â Anorexia Nervosa February 28, 2016 According to the Mayo Clinic (2016), eating disorders are ââ¬Å"conditions related to persistent eating behaviors that negatively impact your health, your emotions, and your ability to function in important areas of life.â⬠One such eating disorder is anorexia nervosa. Not to be confused with anorexia, which is simply a general loss of appetite that can be attributed to many medical ailments, anorexia nervosa is a serious eating disorder and mental illnessRead MoreEating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa1653 Words à |à 7 PagesAnorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is one of several subtypes descending from feeding and eating disorders. It is a crippling life-threatening condition marked by a patient placing restriction on energy intake relative to needed energy requirements, resulting in a relentless pursuit of low body weight in the context of age, sex, development and physical health. According to American Psychiatric Publishing of diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5) ââ¬Å"Anorexia Nervosa, often timesRead MoreEating Disorders And Anorexia Nervosa947 Words à |à 4 PagesEating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder consist of emotions, attitudes, and behaviors surrounding weight and food issues. Up to 24 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the U.S (ANAD, n.d.) bulimia nervosa as well as the other eating disorders are considered to be a female eating disorder, a disorder that only affects women which limits males to seek treatment let alone make aware to other that they suffer from bulimiaRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa974 Words à |à 4 PagesI have always been intrigued with eating disorders, particularly Anorexia Nervosa. When I was 18 years of age, my mother questioned whether or not I was Anorexic and she took me to the family practitioner, who then informed me that I was three pounds shy from being considered underweight. I knew I was thin, but I was really thin, but also really proud of my size. In an African American urban environment being thin was related to illness and drug abuse. I was often teased about how thin and fragileRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa889 Words à |à 4 PagesANAD Eating Disorder Statistics about thirty million people in America of all ages and genders suffer from one of the three main eating disorders. Many people suffer from more than one of the eating disorders. Only 1 in 10 individuals receive the treatment that is needed to recover(AND A). Often eating disorders are known to be triggered by outside factors in their life, but studies show that it is more likely to be a part of their genetics. According to Webster the definition of an ââ¬Å"Eating Disorderâ⬠Read MoreAnorexia Nervosa- Eating Disorder1685 Words à |à 7 PagesEffects of anorexia are mostly seen on the outside of the victimââ¬â¢s body, but do not be fooled. This detrimental eating disorder affects oneââ¬â¢s mind just as much as it would the body. What Anorexia does to the mind is that it distorts the way one views their body. Victims of anorexia become fixated on their body image and overly critical about their flaws and weight. Even being obviously underweight, Anorexics will continuously deny that they have a problem and continue with their fatal practices.Read MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa1462 Words à |à 6 Pagessuffer from many illnesses, one in particular is eating disorders. There are many types of eating disorders, but there are three common ones that are known today, which are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. Eating disorders are not healthy, thi s type of disease can be very fatal and crucial to one s health à mentally, physically, and socially. The purpose of this report is to provide background information about eating disorders, strategies to prevent this illness from occurring
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